Friday 22 April 2011

Methodology II (Day and Night): Primary School

Group work!
Follow these steps
1. Download your module from
2. Study the content and prepare a presentation
2. Download the corresponding programme from
3.Download the lesson plan template from
4. Prepare your lesson plan.
5. Model one of the activities in front of the class.

Methodology I (Day and Night)

Hi class!
Follow these steps for your "Topic Content: Teaching literature assignment"
1. Read the corresponding module in A Course in Language Teaching
2. Check and study the ppts  in
3. Go to and download the lesson plan template and "The Landlady"
4. Design or look for activities to teach this short story considering the two levels: linguistic content and underlying ideas (themes, values, perspectives)
5. Be 80% prepared next Monday.
6. Model one activities in front of the class.

Talk about Assessment: Strategies and Tools to Improve Learning.

How do you feel as subject of assessment? Do you agree with these ideas? Which one called your attention the most? Post a comment ;)
From Cooper, Damian. Talk about Assessment: Strategies and Tools to Improve Learning. Toronto: Thomson, 2007) 5


Eight Big Ideas [in relation to assessment]
  1. Assessment serves different purposes at different times: it may be used to find out what students already know and can do; it may be used to help students improve their learning; or it may be used to let students and their parents know how much they have learned within a prescribed period of time.
  2. Assessment must be planned and purposeful.
  3. Assessment must be balanced, including oral, performance, and written tasks, and be flexible in order to improve learning for all students.
  4. Assessment and instruction are inseparable because effective assessment informs learning.
  5. For assessment to be helpful to students, it must inform them in words, not numerical scores or letter grades, what they have done well, what they have done poorly, and what they need to do next in order to improve.
  6. Assessment is a collaborative process that is most effective when it involves self-, peer, and teacher assessment.
  7. Performance standards are an essential component of effective assessment.
  8. Grading and reporting student achievement is a caring, sensitive process that requires teachers' professional judgment.
(Cooper, Damian. 2007)

Saturday 9 April 2011

Rubrics, an holistic way to consider our student's needs

I found this useful website:
and I thought about all the opportunites to consider the factors and students needs given by this assessment tool. When I went to school, I remember the answers were only right or wrong. Sometimes, teachers applied their own criteria, but it was not explicit for us, the learners of the time. Rubrics are a democratic way of assessing, they are clear, adaptable and, overall, public. We need to continue in our effort to help the students to be aware of their processes. Rubrics are part of this task.

Monday 4 April 2011

Methodology I: Working with effective presentation techniques

According to what we discussed today in class (check ppt. at Explore the book: GAMES FOR LANGUAGE LEARNING (available at and choose one game. Work individually or in groups. Write down the way you will present this to a group of learners. Imagine you are speaking to them. What would you say? are you achieving the three stages: attention, perception and understanding of the task? Be ready to present your thinking aloud protocol next class.
See you! Post your tasks as a comment here :)

Sunday 3 April 2011

Language and Literature

Dear II medio class,
Study and try to explain the follwoing quote. It will be included in our test.

I.            Foucault argues that whoever dominates or controls the "official" use of language in a society holds the key to social and political power.”. Consider the  changes in the postmodern society.

Friday 1 April 2011

Methodology II, April 1st

If you haven’t finished the SYLLABUS task, work at HOME

Today you must evaluate the textbook that you brought using the chart presented on page 186. Assess from 1 to 7. Write a reflection. Blog it.

Today, task 2: Supplementary materials. BOX ….WE talk about it. I’ll mention some supplementary materials based on technology.

So, this week (blog)

1. Reflection on using a coursebook (Monday)

2. Evaluation of a coursebook

3. Suplementary materials: name, description and two links in each case.