Friday, 25 March 2011

Syllabus template

[Course number and title]
Instructor: [Names] [Office, e-mail, phone]
Office Hours: [Scheduled + by appointment? Virtual Office Hours?]
Location in the Curriculum:
Course Description:
Course Objectives: These should be written as learning outcomes or competency based objectives.
By the end of this course, students will:
List as specifically as possible the learning outcomes the course is intended to produce. Think about the kinds of evidence you will need to assess the students’ learning as the objectives should drive the assessment and grading schema. Kinds of evidence can be manifest in what students say, do, think and/or feel. A well stated objective has two components: substance (content/subject matter) and form: what action must the student perform with regards to the substance (compare and contrast, evaluate, analyze, apply, etc.). It may be helpful to use verbs that correspond with Benjamin Bloom’s taxonomy
Course Format:
Course Requirements: (Including class attendance, participation, class norms, assignments, and grading procedures) Faculty must specify the weight that each student assignment will contribute to the final course grade and include this information in the course syllabus.
Required Texts:
Supplemental Readings:
Required Readings (Specify if readings are on e-reserve or posted on Moodle)
Course Schedule by Session and list of readings for each:

Date/Session number


  1. Excellent starter for any teacher to organise timings, skills and contents when designing any course. I am using it for my DRAMA WORKSHOP proposal. Thank you, Carla.

  2. miss queria ver si ud. podia revisar mi blog para ver si lo estoy haciendo correctamente.
